During his recent visit to Kochi in Kerala, Bollywood director Anurag Kashyap met a few aspiring filmmakers along with actors Nivin Pauly and Farhaan Faasil. Though the reason for his meeting with the Malayalam actors is unknown as of now, seems like Anurag will soon be associating with them in an upcoming project.
Actor Nivin Pauly has managed to strike a chord with fans as well as the bigwigs of film industry across Mollywood and Kollywood. The Premam actor was elated, when he chanced to meet Bollywood director Anurag Kashyap, during his recent visit to Kochi.
He posted on his social networking page, “Honour to meet the man himself finally !! & Ardently waiting for him to join our team soon 😉 Excited !!! (sic)”
But the big question in the mind of Nivin Pauly fans and film lovers now is that, for which film this team is uniting. Some says that Nivin Pauly may make his debut in Bollywood through an Anurag Kashyap movie.
On the acting career front, Nivin, who is basking in the success of the family entertainer “Jacobinte Swargarajyam,” has two Malayalam and two Tamil movies lined up for the year. He has wrapped up the first schedule of Sidhartha Siva’s untitled movie and is also working on Gautham Ramachandran’s Tamil film, which is tentatively titled “Santa Maria.” The other announced projects of the “Action Hero Biju” star include the directorial ventures of Prabhu Radhakarishanan and “Premam”-fame Althaf. Meanwhile, after Rajeev Ravi’s “Njan Steve Lopez,” Fahadh Faasil’s younger brother Farhaan will be next seen in the romantic comedy entertainer “Basheerinte Premalekanam,” which is set in the 1980s.
On the acting career front, Nivin, who is basking in the success of the family entertainer “Jacobinte Swargarajyam,” has two Malayalam and two Tamil movies lined up for the year. He has wrapped up the first schedule of Sidhartha Siva’s untitled movie and is also working on Gautham Ramachandran’s Tamil film, which is tentatively titled “Santa Maria.” The other announced projects of the “Action Hero Biju” star include the directorial ventures of Prabhu Radhakarishanan and “Premam”-fame Althaf. Meanwhile, after Rajeev Ravi’s “Njan Steve Lopez,” Fahadh Faasil’s younger brother Farhaan will be next seen in the romantic comedy entertainer “Basheerinte Premalekanam,” which is set in the 1980s.
From the looks of it, it seems that the audience can expect to see the duo teaming up, though there has not been any official announcement about it.
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